Saturday, January 3, 2009

CostCo Convert!

After a very serious hiatus, the Armchair Fiduciary is back in the saddle. I have been kept quite busy by these crazy markets and more importantly a beautiful little girl who had colic (over now, thank goodness!). Let me just say if you have the miracle cure for colic you can be a gazillionaire because the shell shocked parents of babies with colic would buy with reckless abandon. Anyway, while I was away I "discovered" Costco. We had previously been Sam's Club shoppers, but Costco after inspection is far better. I love their gas... its super cheap (I haven't found cheaper around me) and it seems they have it with their stores more consistently than Sam's. Also, they sent us about $1000 worth of coupons of which my wife found more than $50 we will definitely use. That alone pays for our membership. By the way, if you review their financials you will find that their profit basically adds up to their membership fees which means they really charge the bare minimum they can get away with on their merchandise. If they didn't charge a memberhship fee they would lose money, isn't that nuts? Bottom-line, I really think there is no better deal than Costco and I've been converted.